G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. Album Biography
![G.R.A.V.I.T.Y - Cover02 G.R.A.V.I.T.Y album cover](https://www.bijannorouz.com/wp-content/uploads/G.R.A.V.I.T.Y-Cover02.jpg)
Release Date: September 2018
Total Duration: 51 Min
Audio: Stereo PCM, 5.1 DTS Master Audio & 5.1 PCM
Audio Quality: Wave Format . 16 bit . 44.1kHz
Type of Music: Concept Album
Composer: Bijan Norouz & Mostafa Talebian | Arrangment by: Bijan Norouz & Mostafa Talebian | Directed by: Bijan Norouz | Produced by: Bijan Norouz | Electric Guitar: Bijan Norouz | Lap Steel Guitar: Bijan Norouz | Piano: Mostafa Talebian | Organ: Mostafa Talebian | Synthesizer: Mostafa Talebian | Electronic Keyboard: Mostafa Talebian | Ambient & Electronic Musical Instrument: Bijan Norouz & Mostafa Talebian | Audio Engineering Produced by: Bijan Norouz | Audio Engineer: Bijan Norouz | Sound Recording Engineer: Mostafa Talebian | Mixed Engineering by: Bijan Norouz & Mostafa Talebian | Mix & Master by: Bijan Norouz & Mostafa Talebian | Live and Studio Recording Engineers by: Bijan Norouz & Mostafa Talebian | Creative Direction: Bijan Norouz | Art Adviser: Maryam Norouz | Graphic Design: Maryam Norouz
Track 01: Life of the Sun 06:31 min
Existing for about 4.6 billion years, it has burnt up about half of the hydrogen in its core. This leaves the sun’s life expectancy to 5 billion more years, at which time; the Sun’s elements will “swell” up, swallow Earth and eventually die off into a small white dwarf.
Track 02: The Light of the Earth 05:46 min
Over half of the world´s population lives in cities. Despite the important problems they must face as a result of high growth, cities continue to be more the solution than the problem.
The biggest challenge in the 21st century is to find new urban models that change the logic which has generated some of the worst problems in cities. Mobility has become one of the most important of those problems.
We live in “heavy” cities when we should be living in “light” ones.
Track 03: The Voice of Our Earth 15:47 min
What is the bond between the human psyche and the living planet that nurtured us, and all of life, into existence? What is the link between our own mental health and the health of the greater biosphere? in this “bold, ambitious, philosophical essay”, we explore the relationships between psychology, ecology, and new scientific insights into systems in nature. Drawing on our understanding of the evolutionary, self-organizing universe, we illuminate our rootedness in the greater web of life and explores the relationship between our own sanity and the larger-than-human world. The voice of the Earth seeks to bridge the centuries-old split between the psychological and the ecological with a paradigm which sees the needs of the planet and the needs of the person as a continuum. We humans have created machines and industrial systems for a better quality of life, which let the voice of our earth cry for help.
Track 04: Northern Aurora 11:09 min
The bright dancing lights of the aurora are actually collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere. The lights are seen above the magnetic poles of the northern and southern hemispheres. They are known as ‘Aurora borealis’ in the north and ‘Aurora australis’ in the south.
Auroral displays appear in many colors although pale green and pink are the most common. Shades of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet have been reported. the lights appear in many forms from patches or scattered clouds of light to streamers, arcs, rippling curtains or shooting rays that light up the sky with an eerie glow.
Track 05: The Bomb 11:41 min
The creation of nuclear weapons arose from scientific and political developments of the 1930s. The decade saw many new discoveries about the nature of atoms, including the existence of nuclear fission.
in the hope that one day there will be no nuclear weapons in the world!